Meta Tags for SEO

Meta tags are html codes that allow your site to be understood by search engines and social networks and show your results accordingly. It is positioned between the head tags of the site. Meta tags are clearly shown in the codes. So anyone who wants to see the source code can also see your meta tags.

Below you can see the main meta tags you can use.

<meta name="keywords" content="site, tags, blog, personal, food, cinema"/>
<meta name="description" content="160-character descriptive text. (After 160 characters may be detected as spam by search engines)"/>
<meta name="subject" content="The subject of your site ">
<meta name="copyright"content="Copyright text">
<meta name="language" content="en_US">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="abstract" content="Can be used to describe in a very short sentence what the web page is about">
<meta name="topic" content="Subject">
<meta name="summary" content="Summary">
<meta name="Classification" content="Business"> <!-- Classification -->
<meta name="author" content="Name, [email protected]">
<meta name="designer" content="Designer">
<meta name="reply-to" content="[email protected]">
<meta name="owner" content="Owner">
<meta name="url" content="">
<meta name="identifier-URL" content="">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days"> <!-- Specify at what intervals search engine bots should come to the site -->
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"> <!-- It lets you define how pages should be handled by browsers' cache feature. Contains instructions to explain what can be cached, what can be stored by caches, modifications of the expiration mechanism, and revalidation and reload controls -->
<meta name="og:title" content="Title"/>
<meta name="og:type" content="movie"/> <!-- Type of page movie, article etc. -->
<meta name="og:url" content=""/>
<meta name="og:image" content=""/>
<meta name="og:site_name" content="Site Name"/>
<meta name="og:description" content="Description text"/>
<meta name="fb:page_id" content="12345678900" /> <!-- Your Facebook page ID -->
<meta name="og:email" content="[email protected]"/>
<meta name="google-analytics" content="1-ABCDEFG"/> <!-- Google Analytics tracking code -->

<!-- Apple -->
<meta content="yes" name="apple-touch-fullscreen" />
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="no">
<meta name="viewport" content="width = 420, initial-scale = 1.9, user-scalable = yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">

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